Freedom's Stand
by Jeanette Windle

Published: 2011-05-18
Paperback : 464 pages
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Set in contemporary Afghanistan, Freedom's Stand concludes Veiled Freedom's story of three unlikely allies who came together in on Kabul's dusty streets in their own personal quests for truth and freedom. But in a country where political and religious injustice runs rampant, the cost of either may ...
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Set in contemporary Afghanistan, Freedom's Stand concludes Veiled Freedom's story of three unlikely allies who came together in on Kabul's dusty streets in their own personal quests for truth and freedom. But in a country where political and religious injustice runs rampant, the cost of either may be higher than they realize. Will any one of them be willing to pay the ultimate price?

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Discussion Questions

From the publisher:

1. In Veiled Freedom, where we first meet Freedom's Stand protagonists Jamil, Steve, and Amy, each is involved in a quest for freedom. Having found personal heart freedom, Jamil feels impelled to share this good news. Does it prove as simple as he expected?

2. The humanitarian code dictates not getting personally involved. Amy finds herself balking at this. Is she right or wrong?

3. When Steve finally finds a mission he can believe in, it requires laying aside his own future hopes and ambitions. What does the phrase 'living sacrifice' come to mean to Steve? To you?

4. The life story of Amy's young protégé Farah gradually unfolds throughout Freedom's Stand. How does her story--and its reality for millions of women under Islamic totalitarian regimes--make you feel?

5. In chapter 32, Steve forcefully makes a point on his embassy's stand regarding freedom of faith in Afghanistan: "What won’t happen is that the ‘free West’ can keep enjoying forever their own freedoms while tacitly conceding those are now considered optional for the rest of this planet." Do you agree with him or disagree? Is freedom of faith simply a cultural distinctive Western nations happen to enjoy or a basic human right?

6. How do other freedoms--whether of thought, speech, media, assembly, action--hinge on the fundamental right to choose freely one's own personal beliefs of heart and mind? Can a society really enjoy these other freedoms while prohibiting freedom of faith?

7. By the end of Freedom's Stand, Jamil, Amy, and Steve must each in turn make a stand involving sacrifice and love. What is the cost to each of these protagonists? The reward? In the end, which outweighs the other?

8. Jamil literally risks his life for the truth he has found. What causes or truths are you willing to take a stand for?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Jeanette Windle:

Freedom's Stand is the sequel to 2010 Christy Award and 2010 CBA [formerly Gold Medallion] finalist, Veiled Freedom, set in contemporary Afghanistan. Veiled Freedom brought together on Kabul's dusty streets a disillusioned Special Forces veteran, an idealistic relief worker, and an Afghan refugee, each in their own personal quest for truth and freedom. Returning in Freedom's Stand, they soon discover that in a country where political and religious injustice runs rampant, the cost of either may be higher than they realize. Will any one of them be willing to pay the ultimate price?

Beyond an engrossing story, Veiled Freedom addressed the critical question of what is true freedom. Can outsiders ever truly purchase freedom for another culture or people? With that in mind, the question Freedom's Stand addresses follows inevitably: once you've found that true freedom, how far will you go in sharing that freedom with others? A far from rhetorical question in the context of Afghanistan.

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